Breaking Dawn | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

“It was the baby girl in the blond vampires arm that held me here now. Reneesme.”

In a fantasy book Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer tells a story of a human and a vampire that want to be together forever. It all starts when Edward Cullen and Bella Swan come together in marriage. Edward takes Bella to a special place for their honeymoon. From there she is rushed to the Cullen’s house when they found out Bella was pregnant! Yet this isn’t a normal baby, it needed something…but the Cullen’s didn’t know what. BLOOD! This baby needed blood. Bella wanted to have this baby even though it was harmful. It broke her ribs and gave her pain. A few months later when the baby was born they noticed that it was a girl, Reneesme. This baby grew at a rapid pace because she wasn’t quite human or vampire. The Volturi, a coven of vampires, were scared because there was a new birth of a human and didn’t want the secret about vampires to get known. They were after Reneesme to kill her to make sure that the secret doesn’t get out!

In Breaking Dawn, I think Stephenie Meyer a great job at making this book a real cliffhanger! I had to keep reading and couldn’t put the book down. I also liked how the author put the story in first person perspective so we new Bella’s thoughts. An example from the book is “I had found my true place in the world, the place I fit, the place I shined.” I would suggest this book for teens and young adults. Once you start reading there’s no turning back!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 30 2009 at 12:07 am
Hey this book sounds really good! Thanx for reviewing it now I think I might read it again!!!