The Five People You Meet in Heaven | Teen Ink

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Imagine heaven as not a place of relaxation or peace, but rather a time of learning. This is what Eddie discovers when he goes to heaven. Filled with precise detail and a thrilling plot, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Album, is a book for the ages. Once you start this book you may never put it down.

The book starts off with Eddie, a maintenance worker at an amusement park, going to work on his birthday. When a ride breaks down, Eddie sacrifices himself trying save a little girl. When he gets to heaven, Eddie finds out that heaven is not a place of luxury, but instead is a place where you meet five people who have impacted your life in some way. Eddie's five people are: a man from a local circus of his childhood, his captain from World War Two, a lady for which his workplace was named, his wife, and a young girl he accidentally kills in the war. Each person explains to Eddie an aspect of his life, so he can come to understand how he lived more fully.

I liked this book because it made me think about what heaven is really like. The author used great descriptive language that made me feel like I was a part of the book myself. I could really get inside the characters heads because Mr. Albom described their thoughts vividly. For example, when Eddie's father went to strike him, and Eddie forcefully blocked his blow, I could feel the tension in the room as the father turned and walked out of the room, shunning him for life.
Another part of the book I enjoyed was how the book changed point of view. While Eddie was in heaven, people on earth were making plans for his funeral, and dividing his estate. This helped me get a better grasp of time, because Eddie didn't sleep in heaven. I also enjoyed the moments when we saw birthdays of Eddie's past, because I got a better sense of how Eddie had grown up, and how he had lived his life. I found out that he had experienced a hard childhood, which explained his attitude toward life in his later years.

Overall, I found the book to be an intriguing read that I would DEFINITELY want to read again! It has made an impact on the way I view life, and heaven. Anyone who reads this book will never be the same again. I would recommend this book to all readers over a seventh grade reading level because everyone can find something to learn from this thrilling tale of life, love and true happiness.

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This article has 1 comment.

samster said...
on Dec. 28 2008 at 5:43 am
im reading this book right now. I just bought it today and im half way done with it and yes i would recommend it to everyone.Its a really good book and hard to put down and it really teach you alot about the way one might see life and heaven.