City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

August 29, 2014
By caro706 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
caro706 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can we have a legacy if no one knows we exist" -Caroline McClung/myself

City of Ashes

     The City of Ashes was a very thrilling and adventurous read.  I couldn't stop reading.  The second book of the Mortal Instruments series is enticing as the first.  I thought Cassandra Clare did a wonderful job with this series.  Even though it was very frustrating at times I thought it was a wonderful read.

     It's a battle between Clary and Valentine, good and evil.   I love how Clare portrays the characters in the story while Jace is arrogant and impulsive, Clary is how I think every protagonist should be pure and good hearted.  I can't stand the love interest.  If you've read the first book of the Mortal Instruments series you'd know why. Clary is battling with her new life, her best friend Simon, her mother who happens to be in a magically induced coma,  and of course the evil Valentine who is of course plotting her downfall.

     Clary is a very emotional character, and an even more emotional narrator.  Clary is also a very open narrator.  She'll tell you everything that's going on in her life and how she feels about it.  She wouldn't keep anything a secret she'd absolutely tell you everything.

     I really loved this book.  I would definitely recommend this book to others.  I thought that the whole series was very enthralling.  This was one of my favorite books out of the whole series. This would be a very good book for people who like fiction or fantasy.

     I highly recommend this book to others. I love how Cassandra makes you feel like you're actually there.  I could see and visualize everything.  When I read this book I couldn't stop reading.  It was a very interesting and adventurous read. 

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