Dear John by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

May 9, 2014
By WonderFulWriter SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
WonderFulWriter SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My body will NOT be a tomb for animals."

Dear John By Nicholas Sparks
I discovered Dear John through my older sister, actually. She was going through a rough time with a boyfriend in the army herself and found comfort and refugee in this story. In this book, this horribly lovable book, I found a sense of ease myself.

Dear John takes place in the life of a troublemaker named John Who enlisted in the army to save himself from trouble. On one of his breaks, he meets the charismatic Suzanna and their infatuation turns into love as he is sent on tour to Afghanistan, forcing them to have contact through letters.

I honestly wanted to hate this book however I couldn’t, this book is realistic and through that is relatable. In the end, there were hardships just as any couple would have, and as the book says, “ ‘Dear John,’ the letter read. And with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives changed forever.” (P. 186) it did not end in the expected way, but in their own ways, both lost souls found a way to their own peace by helping each other.

The theme of this book is contradicting to the usual saying “ love conquers all” by the theme being love simply cannot conquer all. Love is there to build a connection between two souls but just being an impulsive feeling, nothing more. True love isn’t about getting the fairytale relationship, its about hard decisions that in the end benefit the other person. John never ended up with the girl of is dreams, but he was able to find peace within himself.

It is an EXTREMELY mature book with profane language and adult topics discussed so I recommend it for someone of 16 years of age. It will make you cry with
sympathy, laugh with gusto, and understand the true meaning of love.


The author's comments:
this book is relatable in a sense that it is so truly real, a book that everyone in a newly blossoming relationship should read.


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