City of Glass by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

May 8, 2014
By Caitlin Fisher BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Caitlin Fisher BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Books are a great way to forget all of your troubles at the moment, and just live in another world, where you can meet new people, and go to new places. The City of Glass, by Cassandra Clare, did more than this though. It is the third book in the Mortal Instruments series, out of five books total. Once I read the first chapter, I knew I was sucked into it, because from the way it was written, I just wanted to keep reading it. It has a great plot, and you really get to know all of the characters very well.You learn to love all of the different characters, and you always want to know what will happen next. This book makes everything you thought was impossible, be real. All of the stories you have heard of, vampires, werewolves, and even warlocks, are in this story.

The main characters are Jace and Clary. Clary is not very powerful, but she is very smart and has unique powers. Jace is very confident, and the best fighter his age. He is described to look like an angel, with his golden hair, and handsome face. Some other main characters are Isabelle, Simon, and Alec. Isabelle and Alec are siblings, and are like family to Jace. Simon is Clary’s best friend, and he is also a vampire.

The City of Glass taught me that a warrior can come from anyone. Clary was raised in a fake world, not knowing who she really was. Even with this, she managed to become strong and save everyone. This book made me want to laugh, cry, and scream every chapter. As the story goes on, it gets more intense, and you learn more about Clary and Jace’s lives. There are deaths, betrayals, surprises, and even romance, throughout the book. It makes you want to keep reading, to find out what happens.

When my best friend recommended the first book in the series to me, the City of Bones, I was not so sure I would like it. I am very glad now that I gave it a try though, because it is definitely one of my favorite books I have read. It has a very broad range of characters, and the way they are described and act, makes it very easy to fall in love with all of them. There is a lot of happiness, sadness, betrayals, and deaths. This book will make you read it until you finish the series, you can’t put it down without finding out what happens.

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