Scarlet by Marissa Meyer | Teen Ink

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

May 8, 2014
By ejackson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ejackson BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer is a science fiction twist on The Little Red Riding Hood. Scarlet is swept up into the world of Lunars, The Eastern Commonwealth and Cyborgs. Wolf is an obedient Lunar agent, always following orders, until he meets Scarlet.

Cinder is already in this world, but everything becomes clearer to her when Scarlet and Wolf join them. The only question is, How does she take down Queen Levana?

Scarlet is a good book because of the style in which the author writes the chapters, since she is always changing the view points so you can get all aspects of the story, which is very helpful for the reader. I also like the way the words make you feel what the character feels. Overall, I like Scarlet because it is a very well written modern sci-fi twist on the classic fairy tale The Little Red Riding Hood.

The author's comments:
I read this book and I loved it, so I wanted to share it. <3

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