Looking For Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking For Alaska by John Green

April 17, 2014
By Bethany Nelson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Bethany Nelson SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking For Alaska

John Green first won me over when I read The Fault In Our Stars. After reading that, I made an oath to read every book he has ever written. I started with Looking For Alaska. Looking For Alaska is an amazing book that teaches readers about forgiveness. Filled with heartbreak & happiness, Looking For Alaska is a book full of relatable acts of loss, friendship, and self discovery.

Looking For Alaska follows the life of Miles “Pudge” Halter, a boy who escapes his small town in search of a “Great Perhaps”. Enrolling in a new boarding school (called Culver Creek), it speeds his life up into a huge adventure. His fascination with famous people’s last words makes things interesting as he jumps into the rebellious world of Culver Creek. At Culver Creek Pudge meets Chip, nicknamed “the Colonel” as his new roommate, and new best friend. Then comes the twisted, beautiful, and entirely messed up Alaska Young. The Colonel & Alaska bring a new spark of fun into Pudges life through pranks and adventures. John Green scores in creating these characters, and by the end of the novel you will be laughing and crying with them!

John Green writes an honest book with natural language. Looking For Alaska is not a sugarcoated book. The admirable thing about it is that John Green doesn't walk around any subjects that normal authors might not want to write about. Thats what makes Looking For Alaska different from most other YA books. His use of language and conflict to describe the characters and plots pull you in so you cannot put the book down.

Through the pages, I noticed that every thing the characters learn and explore is just one giant metaphor for the world. The comparison is between a large labyrinth (complicated maze or path) and life. Alaska always asks her friends the question “ How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?” She almost always answers her own question by stating “straight and fast.” Through a series of excitement & a little bit of heartbreak, Pudge finally finds the real answer to her question.

Looking For Alaska is one of my favorite books. If you have read John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars I would also highly recommend this book to read. It taught me that bad decisions can lead to bad consequences, and good decisions can lead to good consequences. When I finished Looking For Alaska I realized that during tough times, the only way to get through it is to forgive.


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