The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

The Fault In Our Stars

I recommend this book because it’s a wonderful book and is TIME magazines number one fiction book of the year. I like this book because of its many unexpected twists. It gives enough information to keep you interested, but not to much to kill the book.

This brilliant book is about a naïve teen with the names of Hazel Grace. Now I know what your and you’re probably just assuming this is another love story but the way they meet is a little different. Hazel was just a typical caner patient at Memorial Hospital. Which wasn’t to bad until she had to go to a support group that she dreaded. But one day at her support group Hazel meets a very handsome
boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel didn’t think much of Augustus until she noticed the book he was reading. One day after the support group Hazel stopped and asked Augustus about the book. The book the both had an interest in was An Imperial Affliction. Once Augustus new Hazel liked the book as much as he did he couldn’t help but to fall in love with her. Then through out the rest of the book the go on a journey and try to meet the author of An Imperial Affliction. But do they make it?

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