Where the red fern Grows By Wilson Rawls. | Teen Ink

Where the red fern Grows By Wilson Rawls.

October 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Where The Red Fern Grows is one of the best books I have ever read. It was a really amazing book. A pure classic. The book was written by Wilson Rawls in the late 50's. The story is completely realistic, with action, adventure, sorrow and puppy love. One of the reasons I liked the book so much is because I too, have two dogs, so I imagined my dogs in the place of Old Dan and Little Anne.

The book actually starts with a grown man saving a dog, but saving the dog made him remember his childhood memory. Billy, age 12 when the books starts lives in a rural area In Oklahoma, a “hunters paradise,” he loves it there, but gets tired of just trapping mice and his cat Sammie. He wants hounds, not one, but two. He works hard for years to earn the money to buy them, and when he does the adventure starts. This includes many hunts between the dogs and coons, bullying from other boys, love from his grandfather and him and his dogs being in grave danger, multiple times. From the beginning he and his dogs have a strong bond, it grows every day they live and every page you turn. The only thing I didn't like was the big time changes in parts of the book; other then that I think it is flawless. It really is a fantastic book, with a huge twist at the end. It was amazing how the author made it so realistic. I could imagine dogs doing all the stuff he described.

If you don't like dogs then you would hate this book. Also the end is really, really sad. The book is fun to read, not easy or hard, and it has about two hundred and twenty pages. So read this book!

The author's comments:
me and spence have it going


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 3 2009 at 7:26 pm
ManekiNeko SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
8 articles 1 photo 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and prove it to be true."

this book was writen so well it made me cry. i found that it was rather depressing but a good story.