Hatchet | Teen Ink


November 8, 2013
By Mikimouse888 PLATINUM, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Mikimouse888 PLATINUM, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about the storm it's about learning to dance in the rain.

B- Choose one specific place in the story. Write a description so that a movie scene could be your description.

I choose the woods because it was a well described scene in the book. When Brian is in a plane with the pilot dead he doesn’t know how to land the plane but, he tries to figure it out with his surroundings but all he sees out the window are nothing but trees, branches all over, fish in the lake, lots of berry bushes, a couple lakes, and a bright blue sky. He would try to land the plane but, he doesn’t know where he is.
The plane crash was horrifying. Brian kept thinking to himself I am going to die, I don’t know where I am, I’m never going to get rescued. The plane landed in the water and Brian had really bad pain in his legs. He described them as if they were on fire and he slowly crawled out of the water and his head felt as if someone was pounding on it with a hammer. When he woke up he started to panic because it was getting really dark out.

Brian legs still felt like they were on fire and he tried to sit up but, he fell over. He was wondering if he was imagining this or if it was real. He thought he was watching a movie with a plane crash and a person playing in his mind. He has to survive in the woods till someone finds him. Brian needs food, shelter, clothing, and clean water. He describes the lake as a L shape and he gets the fish at the end of the L.

C- Write a description of one of the main characters. Describe both outer characteristics and personality characteristics.

I choose Brian Robeson because he is the only main character in the book. Brian is a 13 year old boy who is on a plane, is very adventurous and has not talked to anyone in over two years. How will he try to get back home if he doesn’t know where he is.
Brian Robeson is a well behaved child that has feelings for his family. He really misses his family and doesn’t know where the plane crashed. He doesn’t know where to go, because at first he couldn’t tell time. But, he would look at the sky and would know what time it was.
Brian only had a windbreaker at first for shelter but, then he made himself a shelter. He would think of the things his family would do at home and what they cooked. He thought of Thanksgiving dinner as he described it, they had been turkey that was cooked on the barbecue in the backyard, when his dad took the cover off the barbecue the smell of hickory filled the backyard, the meat was rich, juicy, and wet. He stopped and thought to himself but, what is there to eat like that?

C- Describe the main problem/conflict/goal of the story. Tell about the rising action events and predict how you think the problem/conflict/goal will be resolved.

The problem/conflict/goal was Brian has to try to get some food, shelter, water, and clothing but, he finds a way to get around it and make his own shelter. He put the windbreaker over him for shelter but it didn’t work because there were holes in it. So he went looking for things and he found a berry bush and got some berries and went back by the tree. He had gotten sick from eating too many and he puked.

Brian tried to keep warmth by starting a fire but there wasn’t enough wood Brian gathered because the fire was really “hungry.” He grabbed some bark off a white tree and put them into the fire. Brian heard a big noise and got up to go check it out. There had been turtle eggs. So he ate some but couldn’t stop eating them and then he finally stopped and brought the rest back to the tree. He heard a plane coming but when he made the fire signal the plane engine sound fainted.
Brian got really mad so he cut himself with his hatchet and started to bleed. Brian made a shelter high up in a tree to put his fish and berries in so that the animals couldn’t get at them but, he realized that the food would go bad. So he decided to make a pond. He shot a fish with his bow that he made and he shot a bunny and roasted them over the fire. Brian saw a plane tail come out of the water. He looked and he found a survival pack that had beef dinners with potatoes and chicken, cheesy noodles, fruit mixes and more.

C- How is your book connected to the theme of struggle? Support with evidence.

Hatchet is connected to the theme of struggle because in Hatchet, Brian Robeson struggles a lot for finding food, a shelter, some tools, and wood. But, he finds a way around it and doesn’t let anything let him down. He tries to sleep under the windbreaker but it's broken. He is sleeping and a porcupine pricked him in the leg. He tries to make a fire but, it's really hungry.

Brian thinks a lot in Hatchet. He wants someone to find him and take him home. He really wants to be with his family again. Even though his parents are divorced. Brian is an explorer. He finds a way to do almost anything he needs to do. Even though he got mad and cut himself with his hatchet his mother gave to him.

Brian didn’t know what he was doing. He then got used to it everyday by, getting wood for the fire, getting fish and berries for him to eat, making a pond for the fish so they won’t die, and trying to just take care of himself. He had done a lot about this. He took everything so seriously and never joked around. I don’t know how he could do that.

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