The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 6, 2013
By musicdude0314 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
musicdude0314 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The Fault in Our Stars by: John Green
Everyone should read this book.
The Fault in Our Stars is written by John Green. He has also written other great books such as, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, Will Grayson Will Grayson, and an Abundance of Katherines. John green has won many awards. In 2006, he was awarded the Michael L. Prints Award. In 2009 he won the Edgar Award. He has also been finalist for Los Angeles Times Book Prize twice. Greens books have been published in many different languages.

The Fault in Our Stars is about a sixteen year old named Hazel Grace. Hazel has Thyroid cancer. Every so often she attends a church group for people who currently or have once had cancer. Whilst attending, she meets an eighteen year old boy named Augustus Waters, who has Osteosarcoma and has a prosthetic leg. Hazel and Augustus share a love for a book named “An Imperial Affliction.” The book never ends… Augustus arranged a flight to meet the author and ask how the book finished.

When they first arrive, Hazel and Augustus visit the author and he doesn’t tell the ending. The author quit writing and became an alcoholic. Augustus promises Hazel he will write a sequel, in the middle of writing this, Augustus finds out he has cancer again. Augustus asks some friends including Hazel to attend his funeral. Augustus passes away and days later, Hazel remembers he was writing a sequel.

She begins searching but cannot find anything. She later receives an e-mail from the author’s assistant and the message talks about how Augustus was talking with the author and asked to see what the author thinks about the sequel. Augustus passed away before Hazel could read it. So Hazel asks the assistant to forward the message to her. Later on Hazel receives it and finally finds out what happens in the end of the story.

The tone of this story was very sad but a very good book. I am a person that doesn’t like to read but this story kept me so interested. It’s definitely the best book I have ever read.

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