Heat By Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Heat By Mike Lupica

September 6, 2013
By CAV52 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
CAV52 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The book Heat was written by Mike Lupica. He has written many novels for sports fans. Some of his books are Red Zone, Bump and Run, Wild Pitch, and Travel Team. Mike Lupica’s books are #1 New York Times Best Seller. Mike Lupica’s books are significant and I can imagine everything in my mind.

Heat is a fictional book and it’s great for all ages. It takes place in present time New York. The main characters are, Michael, Carlos, Mr. Minaya, Mrs. Cora, Ellie, Mr. Gibbs, El Grande’, and Manny. Michael, and his brother Carlos live alone together. Michael’s dad died from the flu, and he has no mom.

Since Michael and Carlos live alone they have to get jobs. So that they can have money for food. Michael plays baseball but the opposite teams coach says that a twelve year old can’t throw like Michael does. The cause of their dad is dead and not having a mom they don’t have their birth certificates and Michael needs his. The coaches need it so that they can certify his age so he can keep playing.

The theme of Heat is that it’s hard to live without your parents at a young age. The tone of the book had many tones. It depended on the situation or problem. The tone was smart and clever. Most of the time it was clever.

Heat is an interesting book and I would recommend it for anyone. I would mostly recommend this book to sports fans. The book is very entertaining. There is drama, and comedy. These are the best sports books.

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This article has 1 comment.

rachael29 said...
on Sep. 30 2013 at 2:42 pm
rachael29, Somerset, Kentucky
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
i totally agree, this book is everything a sports fan would be looking for