Peak | Teen Ink


September 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Climbing, climbing, and climbing-that is Peak's life. But then he gets into trouble and finds he is going to Mount Everest. He finds himself battling his own-self and his friend Sun-jo to try to attempt to be the youngest kid on the highest Peak.

Peak is a young boy whose life is all about climbing. He gets in trouble when caught climbing a building and is sent to live with his dad a while in Tibet. Peak's dad “Josh” decides he wants Peak to climb Everest with him so that Peak would be the youngest person to climb it. Peak's great adventure will take him through finger numbing decision and situation to make it to the top or will he?

Peak is a fourteen year old kid soon to be fifteen. Peak is a medium height kid for his age, he obviously loves to climb. I'm not quite sure what he looks like, but I think he has light brown to dirty blond hair. Peak's personality is mixed he talks to himself quite a bit. In addition he does not socialize much either. He although is supportive and does things that he thinks he must do to be happy or make people happy or like him.
The conflict is that Peak wants to get to the top of the world (Everest) before he is fifteen. Also his friend Sun-jo whom he meets awhile ago is fourteen, too, and wants to make it to the summit and then into Nepal to be free and have money. This conflict will be a test of loyalty for the two of them on who will be the youngest to be on top the world.
The author to me explained too much of all the little detail that did not needed to be explained. Most of the time it seemed the author spent more time on details instead of the main idea to lengthen out the book.
I do recommend this novel if you have good patience. I say that because it takes awhile to get down to the point of the story. Overall, this book was interesting in a way and had a diversity of adventure and was pleasant to read. After reading it made me want to actually go and tackle this giant mountain because of the challenges it offers.

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