The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene

May 8, 2013
By alessia cariati BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
alessia cariati BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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The Fault in Our Stars is a book I would recommend for all ages and both genders. Even though the book steers towards the age group of teenage girls, I believe the story makes great points that can relate to all ages. There is a romance aspect as well as death. There are also family relationships and friendships that grow and fall apart throughout the story. John Greene did an amazing job grasping the attention of the reader and he kept the story interesting throughout. There was never a point where I wanted to put down the book because there was never a boring chapter. There were plenty of points the author made in The Fault in Our Stars and he incorporated his personal beliefs on the subjects within each chapter. Throughout the story all of the questions that are asked in the book are usually answered within the next chapter. This is one of the reasons that keep the reader going back to the book. John Greene did a fantastic job making sure that all of the loose ends in the story are tied up and it doesn’t leave the reader disappointed. He plays with all emotions in the story which makes the book easy to connect with people. When the author touches on all the emotions he grasps the attention from more people and it creates a larger audience. John Greene connects with the readers through the prospective of a teenage girl struggling with childhood cancer. He made the story The Fault in Our Stars relatable to a large group of people. Whether the reader has cancer or not, John Greene found a way to make a connection with a variety of people.

The book was a very simple and the words it contained were not difficult in any sense. The story line was clear and to the point and the author, John Greene made it a point to touch up on important subjects. One of his main topics was childhood cancer and how that can affect how a child lives there lives. He brings up the importance of support groups and how children and teenagers fight in their battles with cancer. The story also has a romance aspect that is from a female point of view. Two cancer patients fall in love and one of them is bound to die. The plot is intriguing and part of the authors plan to keep the readers interested. All of these factors are most likely the reason that John Greene won the Odyssey award and the ALA award for Young Adult Fiction in 2013. I believe the book was a success and John Greene deserved the awards he was given. I cannot wait for the movie to come out.

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