Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate Dicamillo | Teen Ink

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate Dicamillo

January 7, 2013
By mhasterchief122 BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
mhasterchief122 BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is today we must create the world of the future"-Eleanor Roosevelt

India meets a dog by accident in the Winn-Dixie grocery store. This dog needs a home; he is scruffy looking and looks like he has not had a bath in a long time. In a way she needs him, she has just moved to Naomi, Florida from Watley, Florida. She hasn't made many friends because her father is the preacher at the local Baptist church, and they are afraid she will tell her dad all the bad things they have done. She says meeting Winn-Dixie has changed her live in Naomi for the better. Quote from the book “Music is better if someone is listening.” The reason I chose this quote is because, one of the friends Opal meets name is Otis he was arrested by a police officer for hitting him, because he was playing music in public without a permit, and he took his guitar away. Otis being locked up meant no one would hear him play his music. So Opal thinks its better when people can hear the music.

The writing style of the book is in First-Person by the main character.
I like the writing style because I find it easier to understand a story if it’s told by the person who went through it all. I like this book because it warms your heart about a girl who makes a new friend and it happens to be a dog that warms the hearts of all who read it.

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