Marley and Me by John Grogan | Teen Ink

Marley and Me by John Grogan

October 4, 2012
By Jensteroo02 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jensteroo02 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
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Favorite Quote:
"If you don't see improvements, try harder."

Marley and Me, an amazing non-fiction novel by John Grogan, has become my favorite book ever. Marley and Me is about a dog, named Marley, who might just be the worlds worst dog but its like he was meant for this family because to them he is amazing, special, and very well loved. Marley was adopted for Jennifer's (Johns wife's) birthday. He was on clearance and he came right up to Jennifer and was all over her. This story takes place in present day time and is from John's point of view. Although, it's kind of long, its so hilarious and heart warming I read it in about a week. I think anybody would love this book however it does have swear words every now and then. If you're not sure you want to read this, DO! I can assure you, you'll love it. Plus it's a great movie and in order to fully understand the movie you have to understand the book. If you don't believe me believe New York Times, because Marley and Me is a New York Times best seller! Overall, I think Marley and Me is an amazing book I think everyone should know and love.


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