The Shining by Stephen King | Teen Ink

The Shining by Stephen King

September 26, 2012
By Kaitlynn Stratton BRONZE, Nipomo, California
Kaitlynn Stratton BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you love mysteries, suspense, and anxiety in a book, you will love The Shining. As in The Bad Seed, by William March, The Shining shows you the thoughts of a cold-blooded murderer and the inner conflicts of the protagonist. Jack Torrance, due to his past alcoholism and extreme anger issues, has lost him his job and almost his marriage to Wendy after accidentally, yet not accidentally, breaking their son’s arm while drunk. Trying to climb out of the pit that he has dug himself, Jack takes a job as a winter caretaker at The Overlook, a menacing and mysterious hotel in the Colorado Rockies, to finish his play and hopefully get back on his feet. Their son, Danny, has always been interesting. Since he was a young child he has known things and seen things that if it wasn’t for his intense Shining he would have never known. Since before they enter The Overlook, Danny has felt the ominous fear of what will happen, because The Overlook lusts for Danny’s shine. They undertake a life changing, life crippling journey, in which you will feel the suspense in the pit of your stomach, and hate and love many different and intriguing characters. Though love and fear, the Torrance family learns that nothing is what it seems, and the barrier between reality and fantasy is thin.

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