A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess | Teen Ink

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

September 19, 2012
By Marcos Swantee BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
Marcos Swantee BRONZE, North Oxford, Massachusetts
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Book Review: A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
A Clockwork Orange focuses on the life of a teenage psychopath, known only as Alex, in a futuristic metropolis plagued by the utmost violent criminals. Sensitive readers must note that, throughout the course of Burgess’ 212 page epic, robbery, assault, and rape occur repeatedly.

Although written primarily in English, the author often uses Nadsat, a language specific only to the 1962 classic, to hide the protagonist’s controversial actions. The Nadsat, undeniably confusing at first, adds a certain depth that many other modern tales fail to parallel. The relentless use of the fictional language early in the novel not only warns readers of what to expect if they continue reading, but perhaps encourages completing the novel in fewer sittings, too.

Narrated by Alex himself, and split into three parts, A Clockwork Orange doesn’t concentrate too long on one topic. Burgess oftentimes maintains the reader’s attention long enough to introduce them to, and resolve, a whole new set of Alex’s nail-biting problems. This routine rewards the novel with terrific flow and emphasizes the author’s brilliant storytelling.

Overall, I highly recommend A Clockwork Orange to readers 15 years or older who enjoy the genres of comedy, horror, or science fiction, especially when they’re being exercised simultaneously. The novel, although sometimes gruesome, can certainly be appreciated by anyone patient enough to learn some of its fictional vocabulary.

Word Count: 223

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