elfstones of shannara by terry brooks | Teen Ink

elfstones of shannara by terry brooks

May 31, 2012
By pennylove BRONZE, Narnia, California
pennylove BRONZE, Narnia, California
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You were born different. Don't die a copy. "
"Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of someone who's been strong too long."
"Everything will be okay in the end If its not okay, its not the end."

Elfstones of Shannara

Have you ever been the one everyone counted on, the one who would save the world? It will let you escape the world in just a few pages. Images of good versus evil playing on in your head, you fighting the battle. The elfstones of Shannara will lead you through the quest to save the world. The Elfstones of Shannara lets you realize all you are worth, the true meaning of your life. It's that rare, older book you wouldn't expect yourself to read, but you will soon discover that you have encompassed yourself in the magic of it all.

We are taken to the mysterious Westland, where we grasp the perplexing history of the elves and the evil that creeps up from the depths of history. Since before the Great Wars, magical creatures dominated the Earth. Some venerated life and others sought to destroy it. A spell of forbidding banished the veil force to create a barrier to keep them away from the mortal races of the Four Lands. The Ellcrys, and ageless magical tree and last conspicuous relic, is dying. The Ellcrys preserve the forbidding, but without it, the demons won't remain banished.

The forbidding is wearing off day by day, slowly the demons are emerging. Dagda Mor, the most wicked and evil demon, has escaped, and soon they will all be free, unless a seed from the Ellcrys is bathed in the energies of the Bloodfire converging a new tree to grow. The magic the Elves once possessed is now lost, they do not have the power to stand against the Demons. Allanon appears in the moment of crisis, full of secrets; if you have read the first book you will understand. Allanon chooses Wil to be Amberle's protector for the quest. Wil Ohmsford is a young vale man training to be a stor- a healer- something he couldn't become before because he himself was not one of them. His determination gave him the opportunity to train, but will he just drop everything knowing that if he decides to go, the secrets Allanon has will determine the end? Amberle thought she could just leave and pretend her past was just a speck of her imagination. All of the tree's protectors have been killed and now Amberle is the only chosen left to carry the fate of her world. Her fate is something she wants to change, but it's not something she can. Will she be able to discover why she was the one to take the seed to the Bloodfire, and if she finds it will she accept it?

There's no time to waste, no wrong turns or regrets because there is only two choices, you win or you lose. You get to realize how important you are, how to look past everything and actually see yourself. Being the second book in a trilogy, it's truly fascinating. This book contains the perfect balance of action, surprise, romance and everything that's enfolded in our world impaired by magic and forces of good and evil colliding.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 20 2012 at 4:11 am
Pen2Paper BRONZE, Eatons Hill, Other
3 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
This was said by Abraham Lincoln: It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Hey Penny, I really loved this review, I think I might read the book now!