Animal Farm by George Orwell | Teen Ink

Animal Farm by George Orwell

May 31, 2012
By shaye333 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
shaye333 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Animal Farm

It seems that so many people dislike Animal Farm, a small novel by George Orwell, yet I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has a depressing plot, but I could not help but cherish the well written symbolism, something seemingly rare only coming about as a whole novel once every so often. I actually found that while very different stories, this small book seemed like a condensed version of the message that Orwell tried to convey in 1984, and this adds to its success, showing how much can be conveyed in a mere 100 pages.

Animal Farm, as I mentioned, is a book of symbolism and represents the Russian Revolution. However, you do not have to have a background in its history to read this; the story itself conveys what’s happening. It begins with an old, wise pig named Major who tells of a time where animals will one day rule and no longer be oppressed by man. Shortly after, he dies and the animals on the farm become determined to start a rebellion, casting the farmers out and, eventually, letting the pigs gain control because they are supposedly the most intelligent. From here, you watch how easy it is to manipulate, and how power takes over all the pigs’ thoughts.

This book should be read as a small staple of literature, especially if you are unwilling to dare the much larger 1984. It brings insight into the workings of a government and shows how easily people can be appeased and tricked into oppression. I definitely recommend this as a quick but insightful read.

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