With Malice Toward None by Stephen B. Oates | Teen Ink

With Malice Toward None by Stephen B. Oates

May 11, 2012
By sv_praveen_trichy GOLD, Parowan, Utah
sv_praveen_trichy GOLD, Parowan, Utah
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If possible, teach him,
How to smile at the time of misery.
Teach him there is no shame in tears.

-Educate the child.

After reading the poem, 'Educate the child' of Abraham Lincoln, I was deeply moved and was curious to know the life of our former president. I do not have much interest in politics, but I greatly believe in Lincoln's words, 'Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people.'

With Malice towards end will gives you some brief information concerning the childhood of Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln arise in the Kentucky State lost his mother Nancy in his young age. In his whole life, he was schooled less than six months.

He taught himself with some good books including Bible. Despite the poverty and various struggles, Lincoln manages to join Republican party and was elected as the sixteenth president after the war.

The way he overtakes the struggles is quite impressive. After I finished reading this book, I think I become more confident on me.

Various speeches including the speech after the battle of Gettysburg and my favourite Second Inaugural speech of 1865 were included by the author Stephen B. Oates in this book. I understand many things about Abraham Lincoln by reading this book. This book gives me a different insight about him than in my History book.

To conclude, one should have to open-mind to read this book. It's is not a matter, whether you like Republican party or not. It is the story of a simple man who overtook his struggles and created his page in the world history. I hope his achievements will encourage every reader to go forward to overcome their struggles.

The author's comments:
Inspiring book....


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