The Book Thief by Markus Zusak | Teen Ink

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

February 16, 2012
By Anonymous

The Book Thief is an extraordinary, unforgettable book but yet it's heartbreaking at the end. This book is one that easily speaks to both the young and the old alike. It targets at young adults located in Nazi, Germany and where a young woman goes through a journey during the Holocaust/World War II.
The book is unsettling and unsentimental, yet poetic. Liesel was scratching out an existence for herself by stealing something she could not resist, books. I find that astonishing how at that young of an age, she already has a strong excitement for something and not very often does that happen. It isn't only Death that touches us; Liesel steals our heart as well.
I think the part I enjoyed the most out of this book, is the affection and hatred Liesel has between her and other characters in the book. That is what mainly fulfilled me to complete the novel. Narrated by the deity Death, it's a knowledge twist to the mind. It was a perplexing character told by its view, and still involved a sarcastic view on the world. The plot in this book is frequently interrupted by informed announcements by the narrating angel. Because of that, some readers could slightly feel out of their comfort zone, but as the pages press on, the reader is drawn to the story.
If you have read The Book Thief and love it, you would possibly enjoy reading The Messenger by the same author. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield could be another possibility because it jumps back and forth from the present and the past. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is very similar to The Book Thief. They both center a young Nazi character and they relocate to a new neighborhood and their life hasn't been the same since.
It was a mind-blowing story by Death's point of view, and makes you really think deeply about your life. I found the beginning dreary and a work to continue. Once I got to a certain point in the book, it was impossible to set it down and give it a break. Throughout this book, it made me laugh, smile, and even weep to the countless events that occurred in it. The novel followed Liesel's footprints throughout her life of the excitement, love, fright, and even demise.

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