Hide and Seek by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Hide and Seek by James Patterson

February 7, 2012
By Nicole Mangaudis BRONZE, No. Oxford, Massachusetts
Nicole Mangaudis BRONZE, No. Oxford, Massachusetts
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James Patterson’s mystery, Hide and Seek, is a thrilling novel that keeps the reader on edge from start to finish. The story takes place in New York during the 1980’s and revolves around the life of Maggie Bradford, a young woman pursuing a career in the music industry. Patterson’s novel properly illustrates the dangerous effects that fame can have on an individual’s life and what happens when Maggie meets the “Werewolf of New York.”

The first few pages of Hide and Seek set the stage for the reader to feel an immense amount of sympathy for Maggie Bradford. At age 25, she committed murder as an act of self defense against her own husband, Phillip. Phillip served as a police officer and the father of Maggie’s baby girl, Jennie, yet he was anything but honorable.

A year after Phillip’s murder, Maggie and Jennie moved to New York City to begin a new life together. Maggie became a famous singer, fell in love with Patrick O’Malley, a successful entrepreneur and loving man, and gave birth to Allen, their beautiful baby boy. However, their fairytale story came to a heartbreaking halt when Patrick passed away due to a heart attack. Since Maggie was the only other person on the sailboat the day of Patrick’s death, some believed that this was her second murder.
Shortly after, Maggie fell in love with Will Shepherd, who properly referred to himself as the “Werewolf.” Will was a professional soccer player, glamorous actor, chronic womanizer, and heartless murderer, who had somehow managed to never get caught. The two got married, but their beautiful family lasted only so long until Maggie found herself facing abuse, unfaithfulness, and a strong desire for divorce. Before this split could happen, however, the singer faced time in prison and an electrifying murder trial. Was Maggie Bradford capable of committing a third murder?

James Patterson’s brilliant novel, Hide and Seek, is quite possibly the greatest novel that I have ever read. The plot meets four of the five criteria for a good mystery: a believable and sympathetic protagonist, smart bad guys who still get caught, a sufficient amount of clues, and a well-researched time period. The last qualification of an exemplary mystery is a sequel; however, this novel was so addicting that a sequel would simply be unnecessary. I applaud Patterson’s masterpiece and recommend Hide and Seek to any individual who simply loves a breathtaking mystery that surprises you with every page.


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