The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

January 11, 2012
By theanonwriter BRONZE, San Francisco, California
theanonwriter BRONZE, San Francisco, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting." -John Green

Imagine yourself, suddenly waking up to an epic journey to save the world from the evil gods. Waking up, as the infamous demigod, Percy Jackson.
This incredible character comes back in the Heroes of Olympus Book 2: the Son of Neptune by the New York Times best-selling author, Rick Riordan. He finally wakes up from his deep slumber, in which the goddess, Juno, bestowed upon him. He finds himself led to Camp Jupiter, a Roman demigod camp. He befriends Hazel and Frank, both whom have mysterious pasts. They are sent out on a mission; by Frank’s godly father Mars. The objective of this mission is to stop Gaea and destroy her and her sons, the Giants. Percy has almost forgotten everything about his past, except for his beloved Annabeth.
This second book in the notable Heroes of Olympus series is extraordinary. Riordan does an excellent job in making each page adventure-packed. Words are perfectly woven to illustrate a vivid picture in the readers’ minds. This book has the ability to bring you into the world of the Greek and Roman gods. What are you waiting for? The Son of Neptune is expecting you.

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