The adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson | Teen Ink

The adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

November 29, 2011
By Fallon T BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Fallon T BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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The Adoration Of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson is a a sci-fi novel about a girl named Jenna, who was in a coma. She was in a car accident with two of her friends. Once she woke up, she couldn’t remember anything. After a couple weeks, Jenna started to remember who she is and who her family was. Jenna was only 17 so she still had to go to private school. Jenna made friends that helped her understand what was going on better because her family didn’t like talking about the accident. Piece by piece, Jenna has been figuring out what happened. When Jenna’s family finally told her about the accident, she was completely shocked.

Mary E. Pearson writes with a mysterious and unique style. Pearson describe, Jenna, about how she felt, and every emotion that Jenna felt, the reader feel, as well. Mary E. Pearson did that amazing well. This wasn’t like any other sci-fi book, it felt like you were a character in the book every second of Jenna’s new life. I always kept reading because I always wondered what Jenna was going to remember next. The one thing that I truly love about this book is when there is a poem about what you just read. The poem questions what happened and makes you think, in detail, what truly happen in the last couple pages. I would recommend this book to teens because it is interesting and relates to teens and what they do every day.

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