A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy MASS | Teen Ink

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy MASS

November 3, 2011
By Daniel K BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Daniel K BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“A Mango Shaped Space” …even the title intrigues you, willing you to open its pages and discover the story of a girl, Mia, who is diagnosed with a rare disease. Mia has led a secret life until now. Ever since she can remember, all letters and sounds have colors and shapes that correspond to them. For instance, the sound of a squeaky door is a brown spiral hanging in the air in front of her, whereas her name is purple, with a watermelon red stripe. She has hid this until now, when it has started to interfere with her schoolwork. Now she is forced to reveal this, and struggle through the rest of her life.

I was surprised by how good this book was, I was expecting a dry and boring read but it is extremely good. The author managed to create a three dimensional world with three dimensional characters. The struggle that Mia undergoes is deeply moving, and you can really feel the point that the author is trying to get across. I was able to totally immerse myself in the story because of the fantastic use of details, and little things that most people would never even think about, but that create a more realistic world. The only part in the story that some people might not like is the ending. I know that I enjoy a sad ending and this book certainly has one of those. If you do not like unhappy endings, then you should still read this book! I loved this book; it was witty, creative, and funny. I recommend this book to any person of any age, because almost everyone can relate to it.

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