The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

September 22, 2011
By Makenzi Elmore BRONZE, Brownsburg, Indiana
Makenzi Elmore BRONZE, Brownsburg, Indiana
1 article 3 photos 0 comments

I have never been in so much fear for a child’s life to stay alive, but novelist Dave Pelzer made me feel I was there, watching the whole incident of a child being abused by his mother. The heartfelt true-story of the author, Dave Pelzer’s, life comes alive in the book, The Lost Boy. The story describes the period of time in which a bewildered young boy is in fear of his own thoughts of being haunted by his abusive alcoholic mother.

As I read and listened to Dave’s sorrowful pains of a child’s courage to survive, I fell in love with the book. As I read Dave’s first book of the sequel, A Child Called “It”, I found that the first book was more based on the abusive activities as a toddler to a small young child’s perspective, but in the novel The Lost Boy, more questions are answered as to listening to a teenager’s detailed point of view.

Through the book David goes through tense foster home situations. For moving to different schools and new sides of towns every few months, Dave has desperate attempts to being accepted by his peers. After hanging around with the wrong people David is then sent away to a juvenile detention center, but reluctantly returns. David is at the age of eighteen now, but this means he needs to know one more answer to a question. What will he do with his life next?

Tears and laughter, devastation and hope: all create the journey of this young boy who desperately searches for a family, and fights for a chance for acceptance and to belong. The Lost Boy is a sequel that will touch you and your heart as much as it did mine. This book will be a shining inspiration to all and will leave a thought of appreciation in your mind forever.

The author's comments:
Loved this book
I hope people will appreciate their lifestyle more.

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This article has 1 comment.

ajcdyer said...
on Sep. 24 2011 at 1:03 pm
This teen writes and sounds like an educated adult, this is a great review.