Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

April 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Imagine you are pregnant, you have to find a way to tell your mom and you can't. Imagine if the dad of the baby. . . Is DEAD. Sarah Dessen has written an astounding realistic fiction book called Someone Like you. Scarlett has just realized that she is pregnant , but the night after the baby was conceived Michael dies. Halley and Scarlet are best friends, so now Halley needs to learn how to be strong for Scarlet, as well as taking care of herself. How can Halley learn how to be strong, deal with boys and help her best friend?

Someone like You is a moving story. It shows how you can change your personality when you go through things that are different. Scarlet is depressed and Halley needs to come home from camp and help her feel better. A couple months later, she finds out how her best friend got pregnant. Macon, the boy Halley likes, asked her out and all he can think about is her. Her parents don't like Macon because they think he is dangerous. After Scarlet has been pregnant for six months and New Years is coming, an unexpected accident happens to Halley which causes her to leave Macon behind and move on. “Why are you just assuming I'm going back to him” Your parents usually know what's best so you should listen to them.

The theme of this book Someone like You is that friends have to be there for each other for the best and the worst times. In the book when Scarlet gets pregnant and Halley is there for Scarlet the whole way and she even attends breathing classes. When the unexpected happens, Scarlet is there for Halley 100%.

Sarah Dessen is one of the best writers I know. Dessen jumps into the book to fast. This book is the best style of writing because it throws you into the book and you are feeling like it just happened. Then you don't want to put down the book until you fall asleep. This book draws you in and you don't want to put it down on the first page, but it is a big of a jump from the first page, but it's not a bad jump at all. At the end of the book the characters feel so real, it's almost like you're there and you're watching a movie. This book shows you that you can always do what you want. The problem is a good topic because it is about a girl who gets pregnant and she has to learn how to be responsible and it will be a problem in the world.

I recommend this book for everyone over the age of 12 because of the language and the events happening in the story. This book is a moving story so if you like books that are realistic fiction and about teenagers in the world then you'll love the book Someone like You. If you liked Someone like You than check another one of Sarah Dessen's book keeping The Moon or This Lullaby


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