The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

May 11, 2011
By Alexis Pommer BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
Alexis Pommer BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people agree that being forced to do something unwillingly and forgiving people is one of the hardest things to do. Wouldn't you agree? Nicholas Sparks, the author of this novel, writes a romantic but life changing story.

Ronnie Miller lives in New York with her mother. Her parents are divorced, and she despises her father. She is a very talented and an excellent musician. She is highly known for her piano skills, but none of that matters because she gave it up after the separation of her parents. Her mother is sending her and her brother, Jonah, to spend the summer with her father. Ronnie is stubborn about the whole situation and makes it very difficult. Her negative attitude towards her father secretly breaks his heart, because he loves his children more than anything. Ronnie has many obstacles in the first several weeks. She is charged with a crime of stealing but she is truly innocent. A girl named Blaze framed her. She is jealous of Ronnie. Later in the book, Ronnie meets a guy named Will and they eventually fall in love. Though they become inseparable, they face hard challenges. Ronnie opens her heart to her father and they share a better relationship. Her father is writing a song but can not find the right notes. Ronnie comes across it and fixes it up. The song is for her and she finds out her dad is ill and doesn't have much time to live. She regrets how she acted towards her father. Her father loves her dearly and forgives her. Forgiving is one of the main themes in the book. All Ronnie's dad wanted was forgiveness from his children. He wanted them to learn how to forgive and love.

This book is a heart changing story. It is very romantic but surprisingly suspenseful. You will never get want to put the book down because something new always occurs. I recommend this book to anyone. It surely is a book that could change you to be more open minded. This is by far one of my favorite books. Sparks does a terrific job layering and keeping the book fascinating.

The author's comments:
I hope people find forgiveness even when its seems really difficult too. i hope people open their hearts and have positive outlooks.

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