The Time Machine H.G. wells | Teen Ink

The Time Machine H.G. wells

March 26, 2011
By TaylanWhite BRONZE, Alpine, Utah
TaylanWhite BRONZE, Alpine, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

H.G. Wells created a master piece, well capturing the futuristic life styles of what could be; he also told us how we might strive and evolve.

The Time machine model shows us our first glance of what he's on to. As a demonstration he shows his small group of friends that time travel is possible, but with their doubts they leave his home still thinking it was a magic hoax.

The second time the same group comes over a reporter comes with them, but The Time Traveler isn't presently there. They sit down and dinner and he stumbles in, with blood-tapered clothes and a dirt-washed face. He doesn't say a word but ushers towards wine, and goes up to wash up. On his return they are treated with a marvelous story about what he has gone through. It was a day for them, but a week for him.

He talked about how he fixed his Time Machine on the day they were supposed to meet, but with anxiety he decided to use it before previewing it. The process of traveling threw time and how amazing it felt until he hit one suburban area that made him pause. The (little) people, he described, were so relaxed with little worry that he almost thought fear was forgot from this perfect world. He soon realized that the underworld, had turned against them.

As he traveled through the area, he climbed a hill and discovered somewhat of a room guarded by golden sphinx. He looked back at where he had left his time machine and it wasn't there. He frantically ran down the hill with hope that it might be hidden, but to his dismay, it wasn't. The underworld creatures took it.

He goes into description about what they looked like, and trying to hide from them. They couldn't stand sunlight thus they only came out during the night. With matches he was able to fear them away for a short time, until the match went out and they were back.

I wont ruin the book for anyone that wants to read it but I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes futuristic detail and action. It is a great read.

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