Tears of A tiger by Sharon M. Draper | Teen Ink

Tears of A tiger by Sharon M. Draper

March 8, 2011
By Anonymous

This is A 5-star book
What makes this book such a great book is that she uses a very elementary writing tool, “show not tell.”
Instead of her just saying that Andy was having problems coping with Robbie’s death, she shows it by showing what he writes, how he acts around people including his girlfriend Keisha and what goes on in his mind while he’s alone. Another thing that makes this book great is that it can teach someone a lesson. Drunk driving is a very viral epidemic and its happening to teens all over the world, this book can actually make someone think twice before going out to drink without a sure fire plan to get home safe.
I would recommend, not just teens, but anyone who comes across this book to read it. There actually is a very important moral to the story, don’t drink and drive!!!!.

Tears of a Tiger is about these four best friends who all happen to play on the same basketball team for their high school. One night after they won a very important basketball game, the four best friends, Tyrone, B.J., Andrew, and the captain of the team Robbie went out for drinks. As they were leaving to go home, they were all. with the exception of B.J., inebriated. Andrew drove home while Robbie while sat in the front with his feet on the dashboard. All of a sudden, they smashed into a wall & they all escaped except Robbie who got his feet stuck in the front window. A valiant effort from Andrew & B.J. fell short as the car blew up & Robbie was killed. Andrew cant keep blaming himself for Robbie’s death.
This is A 5-star book
What makes this book such a great book is that she uses a very elementary writing tool, “show not tell.”
Instead of her just saying that Andy was having problems coping with Robbie’s death, she shows it by showing what he writes, how he acts around people including his girlfriend Keisha and what goes on in his mind while he’s alone. Another thing that makes this book great is that it can teach someone a lesson. Drunk driving is a very viral epidemic and its happening to teens all over the world, this book can actually make someone think twice before going out to drink without a sure fire plan to get home safe.
I would recommend, not just teens, but anyone who comes across this book to read it. There actually is a very important moral to the story, don’t drink and drive!!!!.

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