The Pearl by John Steinback | Teen Ink

The Pearl by John Steinback

March 8, 2011
By AveryL. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
AveryL. BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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In Steinback’s novel, The Pearl, he pits the characters against one of the worst sins, greed. Kino, a poor villager, lives a normal life with his wife and son. Until one day during breakfast, a scorpion crawls next to their infant son, Coyotito, and stings him. Now Coyotio is in serious pain from the venom of the sting. Kino then attempts to receive help from the doctor, who would never help the villagers. When Kino arrives, the doctor declines to help because of insufficient funds.

Later while out on his canoe, Kino stumbles upon a large pearl. Automatically, Kino is filled with joy thinking of everything he can do with this pearl. He then tries to sell the pearl, but all attempts fail because he always thinks someone will pay higher. Things change suddenly; Kino’s attitude and morals change for the worse. He has been filled with greed. He will do anything to protect the pearl. Maybe even kill.

The Pearl is a suspenseful book that will keep you reading until the end. It can teach anyone what wrongful doings greed is capable of. The book’s execution of the conflict is amazing and captures your attention. I enjoyed the book’s style and composition of its writing. The vivid descriptions of scenery make you feel as if you were right there with them. Despite harsh events that happen throughout the book, it’s an unforgettable novel throughout the ages.


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