The Winners Manual by Jim Tressel | Teen Ink

The Winners Manual by Jim Tressel

February 23, 2011
By andrewgetz BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
andrewgetz BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Book of the Gridiron
“The Winners Manual” is different from any other book I have read. It is an accumulation of quotes, real world stories and advice written and compiled by a truly admirable source, The Ohio State University head football coach, Jim Tressel. Tressel is one of the greatest coaches who has ever been in command of a team. He goes beyond just playing the game and takes the saying “football is life” to heart. His program hinges upon the improvement and actions of not only each and every player athletically and academically, he also promotes better relationships between players their families and a higher power. “The Winners Manual” defines the Tressel model as the “Block O of Life.”
“The Winners Manual” is an inspiring book for any football player. The real world advice from this book will get players through in the season, when the going gets tough and athletes are questioning themselves. “The Winners Manual” will remind players of all the good times in the season and why they play the game; whatever the reason, because everyone is different.
There are three messages that ring clearly from reading this book. First, that success is not measured by anyone else’s thoughts or opinions. Success is measured only by your inner satisfaction with one’s own performance and the peace of mind knowing that someone did all he/she could for whatever cause or goal he/she was reaching for. Second, is that athletics are not only physical. There are other attributes and characteristics that make a remarkable athlete who he/she is. Winners show leadership, the ability to set goals, the how to reach them and live a well-rounded life. Finally, the message that is restated and seen throughout the entire book impacted me personally and changed me as a young adult. The statement, “you can always win at the game of life” applies for all people. People, in any position, have the opportunity to “win at the game of life”; they just have to make the conscious choice to do so and realize the opportunities given to them.
“The Winners Manual” is an amazing accumulation of literature that not only makes readers want to play the greatest game ever played, but also makes them look within themselves in a way that I had never done before. Reading this book will change a person forever, it did that for me.


This article has 1 comment.

minniegirl1 said...
on Mar. 7 2011 at 8:23 pm
Thoughtful and concise comments.  Made us want to read the book!