This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

November 4, 2010
By believeinmexoxo GOLD, Brewster, New York
believeinmexoxo GOLD, Brewster, New York
16 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something let it go and if it comes back to you, it’s yours forever- Anonymous

I remember looking at the back cover of this book, debating whether I should get this one or 'Lock and Key,' but I'm so glad that I picked this one (I'll read Lock and Key too!) I was kind of sketchy about it at first, unsure of how the plot would unfold and if I would like the characters or not because this was the first Sarah Dessen book I've ever read. And let me tell you one thing...this book will make your heart sing. I fell in love with Sarah Dessen and the connection she has with words. The characters legitamentally are the cutest things ever. From Remy's sassy attidude, yet loveable features, to Dexter's heartwarming personality and the way he shows Remy how much he truly does love'll wish for a romance like there's like you want to be all your own. This truly is one of the best books ever written, so why don't you go buy it and let your heart finally sing!


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