The Poisonwood Bible & The Samurai's Garden | Teen Ink

The Poisonwood Bible & The Samurai's Garden

September 30, 2010
By jomai BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
jomai BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know that i do not know enough"-Socartes

So this summer I had to read “The Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver, and “The Samurai’s Garden” by….

Personally I thought that “The Samurai’s Garden” was much more interesting. The story line flowed so much better than the dull and confusing “Poisonwood” plot line. The whole book seemed more like a drama where the actors were badly picked, and the script lost halfway through the first scene. The book was nothing but chaos, till the ending chapters where things finally calmed down. The readers—or perhaps just me—were able to see how past events had impacted the characters more greatly. It also helped clear up bits of confusion that had clouded earlier chapters. For instance Tad Nud’s compromise, I understood he wanted to marry Rachel, yet the reason as to why confused me. That is, until Leah explained it. He really wanted to see if Mr. Price would share his wealth, also if it was a way of finding out how they would fit in the Congo, the pecking order if you will.

Samurai’s Garden, on the other hand, was a great deal more pleasant. There was certain calmness to the book, so that even when the fire erupted in Yamaguci Mastu was there to stop it. It was how the author phrased things. Her words seemed to flow more easily than the authors in Poisonwood Bible. Stephen (the books main character) deals with life without much anger. Even after he uncovers the truth about his fathers affair he stills doesn’t jump off the handle. It’s a peaceful book, though not without its conflicts. But a beautiful piece to be sure. This one is a must read.

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