Blood Feud by Alyxandra Harvey | Teen Ink

Blood Feud by Alyxandra Harvey

August 23, 2010
By gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the Drake Chronicles continue, Logan, the more flamboyant, old-fashioned brother, is in charge of showing the Hound representative, Isabeau, who saved his sister, around the Royal grounds and nearby caves. Isabeau is here on business for the Hounds to create a treaty with the new queen, Helena Drake. As threats are made to the royal family, specifically Solange, a one-of-a-kind female born vampire, Isabeau feels it is her duty to protect them. But when someone from her past comes back to haunt her, she must learn to forgive and forget and trust those who mean the most to her. Join Lucy, Solange, and the Drake brothers as they continue their story of love, revenge, and royal politics.

Harvey does it again in Blood Feud. She perfectly blends romance, suspense, and action. Her characters are also unique and they really stand out. Isabeau calm, sensible disposition create a character that you know has big secrets. And Isabeau really does which make her all the more intriguing. Logan’s old-fashioned nature makes him fun to read because of the ironic way he blends modern-ness with past traditions and customs. The romance in this book is to die for. Harvey has a way of doing it in a classy but heart-pounding way that is not tacky. With alternating points of view and flashbacks to the past, Blood Fued provides a complex dynamic that makes the book fly by in a very good way.

Both big and small novels have their pros and cons. This being a small novel I feel like you didn’t have a lot of time to build up to a giant climax with many twists and secrets. But for a small book it had an adequate amount of action. But if you are comparing it to a book with 400+ pages it leaves a little to be desired.

Rating: B

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This article has 1 comment.

zoey2244 said...
on Sep. 24 2010 at 5:07 pm
i havnt read this book yet but i have it and after reading di it seems awsome!!!