The Elephant Run by Roland Smith | Teen Ink

The Elephant Run by Roland Smith

April 19, 2010
By iciegrimmett BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
iciegrimmett BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In The Elephant Run by Roland Smith, Nick Freestone is a fourteen year old that lives in London England with his mother. Nick is startled by the way the World War II is starting in their country. This book lets people that read it experience what it feels like to be in a war zone and having to leave your home to go to a foreign country with your family. People can be surprised at how it was to live back then.

There are many of characters in this book by Roland Smith. Avoiding the danger of the war, Nick goes to live with his father in remote Burmese village. After awhile, the war caught up to Japan and Nick’s father is taken into prison and Nick has to live and deal with the new rulers. While being tormented by the new rulers, Nick meets a girl his age, named Mya, and becomes very close to her. As their relationship gets strong so does the war in Japan.

The plot of this story makes this book irresistible. As the war got even worse, Mya and Nick plan to escape with Nick’s grandfather. They meet every night in a secret room I the palace, hoping not to be head. The day to leave is soon but the war and the new rulers might be too much for Nick’s grandfather. Mya and Nick are put in the toughest situation they have ever been in.

While reading this book you will learn many themes and lessons. In The Elephant Pun by Roland Smith, people can read this book and experience the World War II very vivid and first hand. Also when reading this book you lean that in some cases it is best to run from your fears. Also you learn that people can be helpful no matter the size. These are the lesson that I have leaned while reading this book.

Roland Smith wrote this book vey descriptive and vivid about the settings. The Elephant Run lets you experience World War II and feel how it is to have to choose whether to leave from a horrid place or stay because family. People should read this book because it is a wonderful experience to read about the World War II and this vivid. To find out what happens to Mya, Nick, and his grandfather you must read the book to find out.


This article has 2 comments.

Orch-Dork said...
on May. 2 2015 at 10:36 am
Orch-Dork, Cocoa, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is nothing like the book. This synopsis makes me wonder if the reviewer even read the book. I agree completely with maddiegrapes in this.

maddiegrapes said...
on Aug. 25 2013 at 6:08 pm
I don't think this reviewer even read the book.  His synopsis was inaccurate.