Refugee Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah | Teen Ink

Refugee Boy by Benjamin Zephaniah

April 7, 2010
By mehul vithlani GOLD, Mwanza, Other
mehul vithlani GOLD, Mwanza, Other
17 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Full Of drama, Tension, Emotions and suspense, Benjamin Zephaniah brings to his fifth book so far: Refugee Boy. Despite being a teen drama, it also puts the point forward about racism, refugees and wars so vividly, that makes this book unique from Zephaniah's collection. Throughout the whole book, the structure and style remains simple, so no-one would have a problem reading or understanding it.
There are a reasonable amount of characters that Zephaniah has included some of which are incidental and some of which are main characters. The character, which this book has been writen on, is Alem. Alem Kelo is a very simple character easy to feel sympathetic for; throughout the story, Alem experiences a number of traumas that differ in their effectiveness in the story. Imagine living in each and every trauma with braveness. Sheila, Miriam, Mr. & Mrs. Kelo and the Fitzgeralds have all got a main lead in Refugee Boy.
My favourite part in the story is when Alem gets the shocking news about his mother's death in a letter from his father; Alem responds to this in great shock by stomping about in rage and in shock. This particular part is full of emotions and is extremely touching, but subtle. The only thing that readers might not like is the fact that such an innocent boy, at such a young age, faces many traumas which at an extent are very sorrowful.
Yes, I would like to recommend mainly adults to read this book which I would rate 9.5 out of 10. This is because, as mentioned before, it includes and puts forward points about racism and refugees very clearly. This book is also very interesting and sorrowful, and so I would recommend everyone to read such a wonderful book by Zephaniah: Refugee Boy.


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