twilight by stephenie meyer | Teen Ink

twilight by stephenie meyer

March 2, 2010
By bshevon BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
bshevon BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book was like gum that never loses its flavor. It was funny at times, then serious, shocking, but then a bit confusing, intense, but never really scary, and it was always unpredictable. I never once found myself bored or uninterested with this book. I sacrificed oh so many hours of sleep to read this book. My hands wouldn’t allow me to move the pages away from my eyes, the only way I could get away from the book was finally falling asleep against my will. While I was reading I could feel the emotions in the story. All in all, I just want to say that of all the books I’ve read about vampires this one, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, was by far the most interesting and addicting.

First up, Carlisle. Carlisle is one of the vampires, the “dad” to be precise, and he is a very interesting person. Boy does Stephenie Meyer have great writing style, imagination, and creativity. I love the description of him and how he became a vampire, basically his past, its very interesting, very different, and very heart wrenchingly sad. All I can say is that he was indestructible, just like Edward. In my eyes Edward was unknowing and innocent, but only when it came to “being involved” with a human as in, he doesn’t know anything about going out with human girl. I think Edward is always overprotective of Bella, but only because he really cares for her and her safety. I really like his character, but he’s not my favorite, and he often annoys me.

Bella, Bella, Bella. I will never understand her reasoning, her decision, and her mind. She’s made life-threatening decision after life threatening decision, and has stuck by them, even though she seems to have low resolve. I can tell her character is really strong willed, and that’s why she’s my favorite. The way she could solve a serious mystery that was created for her not to figure out, and created by someone or something not even of her own species was astounding. I think she’s really, really stupid, but smart and a great role model all at the same time. You should definitely read her story you might get inspired.

Finally, this book was way too addicting, it should be classified as an illegal drug, because after you read Twilight you will want to read all the other books titled after a phase of the moon, but before u go there was something that I was wondering. What does it all mean, why did Stephenie Meyer write and publish book? What point or message did she want to put across in this book? There may be many different ways to answer these questions, but for me only a few came to mind after reading this book, and then reading again part-by-part over and over. I thought maybe the answer is, “you cant choose who you fall in love with, love is love no matter who its with,” and “if you try to skip through life you might miss out on once in a lifetime moments so take advantage of what you have now because life is often unpredictable,” and even “you don’t always get what you want in life or love,” all of those came to mind. Are they the message, I don’t know that’s for you to decide.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 16 2010 at 8:11 pm
queentabbiecat99 GOLD, Dardanelle, Arkansas
15 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things aren't always what they seem.

It's very very good, have you read the others yet? I also suggest the host by Stephenie Myers it's about body snatchers i know weird concept

on Mar. 6 2010 at 9:45 am
Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments
Good job Bianca !