Watchers by Dean Koontz | Teen Ink

Watchers by Dean Koontz

March 1, 2010
By Damein BRONZE, Milo, Maine
Damein BRONZE, Milo, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When you first open the pages of Watchers by Dean Koontz who is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author you find 4 pages of amazing reviews for this book. It is by far my favorite book I have ever read, this book will keep you in suspense at every page, and will want you asking for more by the end. This book for older teens is one of his best works yet. When you first start reading you find that you fowling Travis Cornell, a man who has been living alone for 2 years. In seeking a way back to his childhood memories he heads out to the foothills of Santa Ana, California but instead his childhood he finds a dog. From when you first meet this dog you find at every corner there something more to this dog then what meets the eye. Now like so often this book dose you then find yourself behind the eyes of a cold blooded murderer, who has been hired to take out a number of Doctors, as you read you find that this is a different and unusual type of guy. As this book keeps switching people and stories you now find yourself with a woman named Nora Devon who has lived under the control of her aunt all her life, until she dies when Nora is 30. From that point she meets a man who not only saves her life but helps her break out of her shell that her aunt has created and falls in love. Now that he has capered you with this book your now travailing with a federal agent who is on the hunt for two genetically engineered animals of amazing intelligent and intellect, one a cold blooded killer created for war the other a loving and compassionate dog. This book is one of the easiest books to get immersed in and once you start reading you won't want to put it down until your done. In this Romance, action thriller, book set in California there is a little bit of everything for everyone. It is a two thumbs up and a amazing pice litterateur.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my CP english class

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