Fatherland by Robert Harris | Teen Ink

Fatherland by Robert Harris MAG

By Anonymous

   The book is called Fatherland. It is an incredible novel that depicts what life would be like if Germany had won World War II. The story is set in the hub of the Nazi world - Berlin, Germany - the Berlin that Hitler's architect, Robert Speer, had planned to build.

The plot revolves around a murder that takes place one week before Adolf Hitler's 75th birthday. In what appears to be a run-of-the-mill homicide, investigator Xavier March uncovers war-time corruption. Swiss bank accounts, and worst of all - the terrifying truth about Germany's awful past.

This novel transplants the reader into the mind of a lonely Berlin detective as his investigation takes him from danger to love to violence in a whirlwind of suspense. Fatherland is a stunning novel that will keep the reader engrossed from cover to cover.

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i love this !