Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher | Teen Ink

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher

December 16, 2009
By Katie A BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Katie A BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What would you do for a friend? Would you visit her in the hospital every day, would you fight their cruel father, and would you stay fat for them for whole entire year?

I recently finish the novel Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher. When Eric Calhoune was younger he was overweight, so he and a girl named Sarah Byrnes were drawn together. Sarah Byrnes has burns all over her face and hands, and therefore was an outcast like Eric. Now that they are in high school Eric has lost some weight by swimming for the school team and has gained some new friends. Then one day Sarah just stops talking in school and is sent to the psychiatric ward at a local hospital. Eric is now trying to get Sarah Byrnes to talk, while he is trying to maintain a social life and continue to swim. With the help of his swim coach Lemry, Eric finds out Sarah Byrnes’s past and the one thing she's hiding.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes is one of my favorite books! One of the things I enjoyed about the book was Sarah Byrnes and Eric’s relationship. Their friendship was so deep that they would do anything for each other. I also felt lots of kindness towards Lemry, Eric’s swim coach. She helps Eric get Sarah Byrnes to talk again. She was one of those people that would put others in front of themselves, to help out someone. One of the things that confused me was the flashbacks. Even though they helped move the story along I sometimes got the present and past mixed up.

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher is one of my favorite books. Chris Crutcher did a magnificent job writing this novel. This book is filled excitement on every page, and that is why I rated it a 5. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a little bit of action, friendship, and also some romance. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes is a wonderful book; I believe that those who read it will find the true meaning of a friend!

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