Brisingr by Christopher Paolini | Teen Ink

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

September 30, 2009
By Anonymous

When I was in 7th grade, my friend loved reading books (he still does). I was wondering what he was reading all these days. Then one day, I saw that he was reading the book, Eragon. He said that Eragon is a really good book and you should read it. So I did. Ever since that, I have been hooked on the Inheritance Cycle and couldn’t put the books down. My book review is on the third book, Brisingr. The author of this book is Christopher Paolini.

Brisingr is an amazing fantasy book. It mainly focuses on the seven promises Eragon and Saphira have made to various people they have met throughout Alagaesia. Some of his promises were to save Roran’s girlfriend and soon to be wife, Katrina, from the Ra’zac, visit his foster brother, Orik, finish his training with Oromis and Glaedr and more.

Brisingr also is suspenseful. Christopher Paolini always introduces a character, then he goes back to another scene. In Brisingr, he ties up the loose ends from other books but still keeps you hanging in other chapters. Parents say that, “You know, you should read books instead of those video games that teach you nothing.” But if you start reading the Inheritance cycle, it will be the opposite. They might say, “Put that book down right now and come eat dinner!”

Along with being an amazing book and being suspenseful, Christopher Paolini puts a lot of detail that also doesn’t want you to put the book done. One example is when Eragon says: “Eragon inspected the lesions, then chuckled and said, “Pshaw, those are pinpricks! Did you get lost and run into a rosebush? I have one that puts those to shame.” He removed both his boots, then stood and dropped his trousers, so that his only garb was his shirt and woolen underpants. “Top that if you can,” he said, and pointed to the inside of his thighs. A riotous combination of colors mottled his skin, as if Eragon were an exotic fruit… and so on. Just imagine that detail in you head. (From page 30 in the book Brisingr by Christopher Paolini)

All in all, Brisingr is a terrific book. It includes suspense and lots of detail. Just a boy who lives in the North West part of Alagaesia turns into a fearsome dragon rider. I just can’t wait for the final book to come out. I recommend that you read the Inheritance Cycle and see for yourself how amazing it is.

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This article has 1 comment.

paperflowers said...
on Mar. 25 2010 at 3:53 pm
paperflowers, Imaginary, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 176 comments
I love this book :) but lol I'm not even allowed to play video games and I don't watch tv... very much looking forward to book 4. I'd say this is tied with The Princess Bride.