The Kite Runner | Teen Ink

The Kite Runner

August 23, 2009
By Anonymous

I have rarely given much thought to the severity of pain for struggling citizens in the Middle East, but The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, opened my eyes to the genuine difficulty people face for indulgences that I have been so fortunate to be blessed with.
The haunting novel is a compilation of regrets that probes deep into the life of Amir, an emerging writer who faces disappointments throughout his life. Amir starts out as a carefree child with a well established background, facing in his privileged but dangerous life as a citizen in his ever-changing country. Always yearning for his father's(Baba) attention, Amir becomes increasingly disappointed as he notices it going to his best friend who is also his slave, Hassan.
Although Hassan lacks a formal education, his cheerful personality cause Amir's father, whom we later find to also be Hassan's father, to pride in him. As Amir begins to test Hassan's loyalty, Amir becomes increasingly upset to find that Hassan is willing to do anything that Amir asks.
The problems begin when Hassan is raped because of his overwhelming loyalty to Amir. In a corner, Amir witnesses the entire process but does not aid Hassan in any form. When Hassan struggles to mend their friendship and ignore what had happened, Amir refuses to all suggestions. Instead, he attempts to rid Hassan of his father's faith. When Hassan and his socially accepted father realize Amir's intentions, they hastily leave to the grief of Baba.
Amir and Baba later escape to America in search of a better life for Amir. As immigrants, both face many difficulties such as language, culture, and poverty. The new life is much more uncomfortable for Baba because of his past prosperity.
After Baba's death, Amir marries to another Afghanistan immigrant and they begin living a peaceful life. When Amir meets up with an old friend, he discovers that Afghanistan has reached more chaos and Hassan and his wife were killed in the process. In his final journey to his homeland, Amir searches for Hassan's son for another attempt in redemption.
The novel is truly touching and overflowing with emotions and suspense. In Amir's attempt to quench his life-long guilt reveals a journey unlike any other. A real must-read.

The author's comments:
Makes you so much more grateful of everything you have, and allows you to think in new ways. It is never too late to make up for a mistake.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 9 2009 at 12:36 pm
I fell in love with this book. it was amazing and the movie was just as good. I loved the line "you are never to call him a hazara in my presence again". To me, it was a very powerful line.