The Disappearance of Childhood: A Review | Teen Ink

The Disappearance of Childhood: A Review

August 23, 2023
By abriellayu SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
abriellayu SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
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The Disappearance of Childhood is an informative novel written by Neil Postman that explores the concept of the disappearance of childhood. The book was written in 1982 and gives a detailed account of how the theory of childhood was born into society and how it is beginning to fade.

The idea of childhood was said to be a relatively new concept and was invented with Gutenberg’s printing press, which created a divide between children and adults. Since then, the line between childhood and adulthood has thinned with the invention of television. Adult secrets of death, sex, and violence are aired out to children in the form of entertainment, news, and advertising. With television being a large part of people’s day-to-day lives, childhood is beginning to disappear.

Postman uses psychology, history, semantics, and common sense to inform readers about the concepts of childhood and adulthood. His detailed research and statistics further prove his point and clearly explain how childhood did not exist before the Middle Ages. He then explains the concept of childhood itself and concludes with its rapid decline. 

The Disappearance of Childhood describes the separation between adulthood and childhood and details why childhood did not exist before the creation of the printing press. He explains that there was no censorship of language or actions so that children saw and experienced “adulthood” as a child. Because of this, there was no divide between children and adults since children had already witnessed what it was like to be an adult. Children were working many hours and were also victims of rape and incest. The story also explains how literacy and the creation of the alphabet introduced the necessary notion of learning. Children needed to go to school to learn math, reading, and writing. The older the child got, the more advanced the subjects became. As a result of their academic upbringing, children became adults. However, in the modern age, childhood is beginning to disappear once more. As the Age of Television entered into the world, television was broadcasted at the intellectual level of a ten-year-old child. Since intellect is not needed to understand television, children are once more looking at uncensored and mature topics that take away their innocence. 

Readers are given a clear understanding of the history of childhood through Postman’s writing. They are able to open their minds and take in ideas they probably did not know previously. His witty and ironic style of writing also makes his informative novel enjoyable to read. 

In conclusion, The Disappearance of Childhood informs readers and broadens their understanding of the concept of childhood and how it is beginning to disappear. He clearly shows the origins of childhood and its importance to society. 

The author's comments:

In modern-day society, it is very clear that the boundaries of childhood and adulthood are beginning to thin out. Postman's novel was able to explain to me the idea of childhood which I found fascinating. Previously, I had never really thought about the abstract idea of childhood and where it came from, but after reading this informative novel, my mind was opened to many new ideas. This book really was an eye-opener for me to see the lines between adulthood and childhood. 

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