D-Day by Martin Gilbert | Teen Ink

D-Day by Martin Gilbert

May 15, 2009
By Anonymous

D-Day is about when U.S. troops stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1994. Many of our troops were killed on this day. This review is for people interested in war novels. The author’s purpose was to inform of this special day. Some people haven’t even heard of this his historical event.
This book was one of the first to inform about the event. I’m judging it on its information. The book keeps notes of what happened through the whole time of being in Normandy. Also tells from outside Normandy in U.S., and how it affected people.
I thought the idea of having daily accounts of what happened were excellent. The feelings of what happened in the book are very crucial. Itteels the feelings of the soldiers like sorrow, anger, and happiness.” But, because the Normandy landings in June 6, 1994 marked significance on the beginning of World War II…” Martin received a reward for this book a few years after publication. Another book that my friend has on D-Day only tells of that one day.
D-Day is when U.S. troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. The book tells a whole timeline of what happened that day. It gives day-to-day info in and out of Normandy. I really like the book it was very informative. I would really recommend it to anyone

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