Digital Photography | Teen Ink

Digital Photography

May 15, 2009
By Jordan Pitzer BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
Jordan Pitzer BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Digital Photography by Tom Ang is about one hundred and sixty years after the invention of photography, an enemy rose above the horizon. It threatened to sweep away film, make the dark-room redundant, and to exile the hard-won craft skills of picture-making. In a short time the threat grew as numerous new enemies appeared, in the shape of more and more cameras, scanners, images and different kind of photography razePhotography is covering all the basics underlying digital photos, the range of equipment available for all budgets and degrees of expertise, and a good grounding in technology-a wealth of information to help you make informed choices. And with its help you can easily keep up with the rapid changes.Digital Photography is mostly about all the different kinds of ranges and razes. There are over one hundred and sixty different ways and type of photography and backgrounds. There’s over ninety five different kinds of camera’s that photographers use.The conclusion about this book is the many different ways you can do with photography and backgrounds. The main points of this book is trying to clear and teach all the basics of photography and the meaning of it. There are many different shades and razes for pictures but the its mostly about the cropping and dilating pictures. So if you read this book it will teach you a lot about photography.


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