You Should Not Read The House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

You Should Not Read The House on Mango Street

June 28, 2019
By alvinar7823 BRONZE, Phelan, California
alvinar7823 BRONZE, Phelan, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t think that people should read The House on Mango Street. First of all, even though sandra cisneros tries to give advice to young girls about being able to express individuality and freedom, she does this at the expense of making the majority of men come off as dangerous rapists who treat women like objects. When I read this in school most of the guys in my class kept asking why the kept making the men look like the bad guys. Secondly, for some reason cisneros felt a compelling need to have esperanza sexually assaulted twice, not once, but twice. In my opinion she has no sympathy for sexual assault victims. She puts these two vignettes, or so she calls them nonchalantly in the book almost as if it was no big deal because she never mentions it again. This books lack of sensitivity is really just tasteless. And I pity the middle school and high school students that have to read this in english class.


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