The Force Unleashed | Teen Ink

The Force Unleashed

April 23, 2009
By Blue Prusky BRONZE, White Plains, New York
Blue Prusky BRONZE, White Plains, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May the Force Blow Your Mind!!
A man must overcome evil and discover his past.
The Force Unleashed
By Sean Williams
Mike Richardson, $17.16

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” These words written by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett perfectly describe what the secret apprentice strives for. As he tries to survive the missions he is sent on by Darth Vader he
always completes it to the best of his ability. However even the best is not good enough for Vader. As the story unfolds the apprentice learns the truth of his hidden past and the tyranny of Darth Vader. The Force Unleashed by Sean Williams is a Sci-Fi/Action novel that will keep the reader at the edge of their seat.

Darth Vader is hunting down the last of the Jedi after the Clone Wars. On a mission to Kashyyk to kill another Jedi he finds a boy that is extremely strong in the force. Vader takes the boy and trains him to use the force to destructive ends. As the boy grows older, Vader sends him to destroy his enemies. Now the Secret Apprentice must embark on a journey of his own and find out about his past. However even though the apprentice is doing his own “thing” Darth Vader still cont


This article has 1 comment.

canexicans2 said...
on May. 13 2009 at 7:59 pm
You make me want to read this book, Blue. And that is the mark of a good book report...of course providing the book is worth reading. This one is.
