WATCHMEN by Alan Moore | Teen Ink

WATCHMEN by Alan Moore

January 25, 2019
By johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Master Ugwe

Alan Moore known for making Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Batman: The Killing Joke and many more well known movies and comics. Alan Moore is an amazing writer in the comic business. The comic Watchmen is an amazing, thrilling, mysterios, and exciting comic that you would read if you are into action and twists. The Watchmen is a fascinating story that keeps pulling me to keep reading when time is running out I find myself not being able to stop reading. The way that Alan Moore uses a New York themed environment to keep up with the hero.

The hero or antihero with an abusive mother that terrorfied him as a child and made him into the man that will fight for good stopping evil. As a young man he worked in a teller shop with a customer coming in one day saying that she didn’t like the dress that moves around in itself that she got, he was interested in the dress and couldn’t stop looking at it then he got the idea of making it into a mask. The hero\anti hero Rorschach fights crime in the streets of New York with him stopping crime the criminals know Rorschach and are terrified of him the run and plead for freedom knowing that they will most likely get something on their body broken.  

The amazing thing about this comic is the plot how it shows you the problem right away leading with a death of an ex hero Rorschach looks for clues that could help him find the killer. With Rorschach thinking that all the hero's are being hunted down. He goes and finds the criminals that may know anything or the other heroes. The background and story of every part is amazing how they are going together with a dark setting like on the streets trying to stop a fight while raining in the background.

This comic is awesome in my opinion because of how the story is the background and the dialogue. If you have never read a comic book or novel you should start with Watchmen and if you don’t think you should then it’s time to try something new don’t keep waiting.


Johnathan Saechao


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